a Partner with the San Antonio Food Bank
Our Lord’s Table, neighborhood food ministry.
We are hunger fighters.
For nearly forty years Our Lord’s Table food pantry, a fruitful partnership amongst St. Paul’s, the neighborhood, and the San Antonio Food Bank has contributed to hunger relief for thousands of San Antonio’s most impoverished. Our Lord’s Table is a direct connection of taking our experience of Christ in the Eucharist, to serving him in the poor. Volunteers from both the parish and the neighborhood gather twice a month at the church to distribute groceries to over one hundred families. There is a continuing need for funds to purchase food from the San Antonio Food Bank for distribution to those with food insecurity in St. Paul’s immediate neighborhoods. If you are able to make a contribution to this hallmark ministry of St. Paul’s, please designate your gift to “Our Lord’s Table” and it will be acknowledged by the parish treasurer. Your generosity and willingness to take action is key to the continued success of this ministry.
Saturday Distribution Days
Larry and Charles help with the twice a month distribution to neighborhood families in need of ongoing food assistance.
Our Lord’s Table
First and Third Saturdays of the month
9:00 - 10:00 AM
In the St, Paul’s Episcopal Church Pavilion (across the parking lot from the church office)
Reach out to the church office with any questions, or to volunteer: admin@stpauls-satx.org, or 210-226-0345.