an outward expression of god’s grace

Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, in all places and in all times.


our regular worship schedule is as follows:


  • 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite I (in person)

  • 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite II (in person)


  • 12:00 PM Holy Eucharist and Healing (in person)

Please contact with questions

The Anglo-catholic movement was mainly inspired by the nineteenth-century English Tractarian movement emphasis on the identity of Anglicanism with the catholic tradition of the church prior to the Reformation. It has placed considerable emphasis upon the sacramental life of the church, especially the central importance of the Holy Eucharist, and the Apostolic succession of the episcopate. Anglo-Catholics were concerned not only with doctrine but with restoring the liturgical and devotional expression of doctrine in the life of the Anglican Church. Some of these expressions include the use of eucharistic vestments, altar candles, and incense. Anglo-Catholic churches provide an outlet for Western Christians who are drawn to the mystery and awe of the ancient Catholic faith without having to give their obedience to Rome. Anglicans have always been free thinkers and have encouraged theological exploration, questioning even the most important dogmas and even doubt - in a healthy way.

Worship at St. Paul’s is centered on the liturgies of 1979 Book of Common Prayer of The Episcopal Church.

All baptized persons are welcome to receive communion at the Lord’s Table.

“God our Father, whose Son our Lord Jesus Christ in a wonderful Sacrament has left us a memorial of his passion: Grant us to venerate the sacred mysteries of his Body and Blood, that we may ever perceive within ourselves the fruit of his redemption; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

-Collect of the Holy Eucharist, Book of Common Prayer


Palm Sunday 2019
Acolytes prepare the thurible for the Palm Sunday Procession.